
金属材料研究所に来所予定の方へ( 2023年5月22日更新)
For those who plan to visit IMR (updated on May 22nd, 2023 )



Tohoku University's Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is Level 0 (April 1, 2023), and there are no movement restrictions. However, please refrain from visiting based on the policy of Tohoku University if you are infected with COVID-19 positive or if you have a fever or other health problems.

About Registration for Visiting IMR

We are asking the visitors to complete the registration form for safety and security reasons.
If you are a non-IMR member and do not have QR Code entrance pass, please register and fill out a registration form at the following site or at the registration PC at the entrance of Building No. 2. For GIMRT users, including those on campus, please submit visitor notification in advance from the web site.

来所登録方法: Registration for Visitors

共同利用で来所予定の方(Those who plan to come to IMR for joint use)
Please register at the GIMRT web system.

共同利用Webシステム ログインページ

共同利用以外で来所予定の方(Those who plan to come to IMR other than for joint use)

一般来所の方の登録ページ Registration page for general visitors

工事・サービス等で来所の方の登録ページ Registration page of Visitors for service, maintenance and others.

   総務課総務係 022-215-2181   E-mail
   (金属材料研究所 研究者一覧)



  • 見学に関する問い合わせ先(広報班) 022-215-2144   E-mail
