Time [日時]
May 18-20, 2016 [2016年5月18日 - 20日]
Location [場所]
Auditorium, Bldg.2, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ. [東北大学 金属材料研究所 2号館講堂] MAP
Topics [内容]
SMS 2016 poster (333KB)
May 18 (Wed.)
- Young Scientist Workshop
- Oral session
- Young Scientist Workshop
- Poster session
- Young Scientist
- Poster Presentation Award
May 19 (Thu.)
- Spin Current; its Physics and Applications
- S. Maekawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Magnon Supercurrents
- B. Hillebrands (Technical University of Kaiserslautern)
- Spin Hall Effects in Metals
- A. Hoffmann (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Topological Spin Structure Dynamics
- M. Kläui (Johannes Gutenberg University)
- Spin Current Generators
- E. Saitoh (IMR)
- Role of Magnetism for Cuprate Superconductivity
- K. Yamada (Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK)
- Quantum-Matter Heterostructures
- J. Mannhart (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)
- Unusual Superconductivity in Heavy-fermion Compounds
- I. Sheikin (LNCMI, CNRS)
- Atomic-Level Control of Two Dimensional Material Growth: From Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect to High Tc Superconductivity
- Q. K. Xue (Tsinghua University)
- Superconductivity in Nanomaterials
- Y. Iwasa (University of Tokyo)
- Magnetic Hyperthermia for the Remedial Treatment of Cancer and Other Tumours
- K. O’Grady (University of York)
- Dy-free High Coercivity Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets
- K. Hono (National Institute for Materials Science)
May 20 (Thu.)
- Silicon Crystallization for High-Performance Solar cells
- E. R. Weber (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE)
- Grain Structure of Photovoltaic Silicon Ingots
- T. Duffar (Grenoble Institute of Technology)
- Dendritic, High Performance Multi-crystalline, and Mono-like Silicon Casting: A Few Things We Learned from There
- C. W. Lan (National Taiwan University)
- From Clusters to Crystals: A Bottom-up Design of Energy Materials
- P. Jena (Virginia Commonwealth University)
- Now and Future of Lithium Ion Batteries: Safety Problems to All-Solid-State Batteries
- J. Kawamura (IMRAM, Tohoku University)
- Complex Hydrides for Energy Device Research
- S. Orimo (IMR)
- The Microstructure of Dislocated Martensitic Steel: What It Is, Why It Is, and Why It Matters
- J. W. Morris Jr. (University of California Berkeley)
- Informatics Approaches for Materials Discovery
- I. Tanaka (Kyoto University)
- Research in Phase Transformations in Steel: Recent Progress; Unanswered Questions.
- G. R. Purdy (McMaster University)
- First-Principles Calculation of Phase Stability, Phase Equilibria and Phase Transition
- T. Mohri (IMR)
- Grain Boundary Atomic Structures, Segregation and Vacancies in Oxides
- Y. Ikuhara (University of Tokyo)
- High Performance Magnesium Alloys with Long Period Stacking Ordered Structure
- Y. Kawamura (Kumamoto University)
- Design and Development of New Titanium Alloys for Spinal Fixation Devices
- M. Niinomi(Meijo University)