Time [日時]
Nov. 27-30, 2012 [2012年11月27日 - 30日]
Location [場所]
Auditorium, Bldg.2, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ. [東北大学 金属材料研究所 2号館講堂] MAP
Topics [内容]
SMS 2012 poster (633KB)
Nov. 28 Oral Presentation
- Electronic Phase Change and Entropic Functions in Transition Metal Oxides
- H. Takagi, University of Tokyo/ RIKEN
- Laser Materials: from Single Crystals to Polycrystalline Ceramics,Distribution of Rare Earth Dopants
- G. Boulon, LPCML, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
- Growth of Mg-doped Lithium Niobate and Lithium Tantalate Crystals with Stoichiometric Composition Coincident with Congruent Point
- S. Uda, IMR
- Solid-state Protonics in Organic-Inorganic Hybrids
- H. Kitagawa, Kyoto University
- Structural Design and Realization of High Performance Thermoelectric Materials
- L. Chen, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS
- Jeff = 1/2 Physics of Ir-oxides: from Topological Insulator to Quantum Magnets
- J. Yu, Seoul National University
- Deep Structural Heterogeneities Introduced by Ordered Coalescence of Nano-crystals
- Z. J. Shen, Stockholm University
- Development of Mechanically Biocompatible Titanium Alloys
- M. Niinomi, IMR
- Low-temperature and High-strain Rate Superplasticity in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
- H. Matsumoto, IMR
- Surface Hardening by Nano-sized Precipitates in Nitriding of Ferrous Alloys
- G. Miyamoto, IMR
- Fabrication of Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysts by Anodic Oxidation
- Y. Mizukoshi, IMR
- New Materials for Magnon-spintronic Applications
- B. Hillebrands, TU Kaiserslautern
- Magnetic Domain and Domain Wall Dynamics in Advanced Materials
- M. Kläui, Johannes Gutenberg-University Maintz
- Spin Caloritronics - More than Spin-dependent Thermoelectrics
- G. E. W. Bauer, IMR
- Spin-wave Assisted Magnetization Switching
- T. Seki, IMR
- Mechanisms of Magnetic Hyperthermia
- K. O’Grady, University of York
Nov. 29 Oral Presentation
- Quantum Transduction with Micro-mechanical Oscillators
- K. W. Lehnert, University of Colorado and NIST
- Semiconductor Heterostructures for Novel Electromechanical Devices
- H. Yamaguchi, NTT Basic Research Laboratories
- Bi (111) Thin Film with Insulating Interior but Metallic Surfaces
- X. Jin, Fudan University
- Dynamical Generation of Spin Currents
- K. Ando, IMR
- Fundamental Issues of Grain Growth in Polycrystals
- S-J. L. Kang, KAIST
- Development of Functional Ceramic Films by Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition
- T. Goto, IMR
- Dealloying by Metallic Melt
- H. Kato, IMR
- Atomic Resolution X-ray Holography and Its Applications
- K. Hayashi, IMR
- Updating the Theory of Dislocation: In-situ TEM Studies Exploring the Final Stage of Plastic Deformation Leading to Crack Nucleation
- Y. Matsukawa, IMR
- Physics and Chemistry of Hydrogen Storage Materials
- A. Züttel, EMPA
- Structural Studies of Hydrogen Storage Materials
- B. C. Hauback, Institute for Energy Technology
- Fast Ionic Conduction in Complex Hydrides
- M. Matsuo, IMR
- Computational Materials Science for Hydrogen Storage
- H. Mizuseki, IMR
- Functional Ceramics for Optical Applications in Radiation Environments
- S. Nagata, IMR
- Renovation of Neutron Monochromator Crystals at IMR
- H. Hiraka, IMR
Nov.30 Oral Presentation
- A Topological Spin Glass State of a Frustrated Magnet
- S. Lee, University of Virginia
- Critical Issues toward Rare-metal-free High-coercivity Magnets to Replace Nd-Dy-Fe-B
- S. Hirosawa, National Institute for Materials Science
- Spin-lattice Coupling in Multiferroic BiFeO3
- J-G. Park, Seoul National University
- Relaxor Ferroelectricity Induced by Electron Correlations in a Molecular Dimer Mott Insulator
- S. Iguchi, IMR
- Studies on Phonon Modes Reflecting Ferroelectricity in a Charge-transfer Complex β'-(BEDT-TTF)2ICl2
- M. Matsuura, IMR
- Precipitaion in Metallic Alloys: Revealing Nanoscale Features by Conventional and Advanced TEM Studies
- T. Epicier, INSA de Lyon
Application of FIB-TEM Technique to Heterogeneous Precipitation Behaviors in Metallic Alloys - T. J. Konno, IMR
- Grain Boundary Engineering of Silicon Crystal for Solar Cells
- K. Kutsukake, IMR
- Selective MOVPE Growth of High Quality Semipolar/Nonpolar GaN on Patterned Silicon Substrates
- T. Tanikawa, IMR
- Threshold Voltage and Channel Dopant Concentration Correlation in Silicon-Based Field-Effect Transistors Studied by Atom Probe Tomography
- K. Inoue, IMR
- Recent Advancement and Future Prospects of RE-123 Coated Conductor Technologies
- T. Kiss, Kyushu University
- Quantum Critical Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
- T. Shibauchi, Kyoto University
- Superconductivity Reinforced by the Magnetic Field in Uranium Ferromagnets
- D. Aoki, IMR
- Soft X-ray Spectroscopy in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields as a Novel Tool for Element Specific Magnetometry
- Y. Narumi, IMR
- Development of Nb3Sn Superconducting Wires and Cables for a 50 T Hybrid Magnet
- H. Oguro, IMR