The 4th Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science - Virtual Organization
日時 | Jan. 12 (Tue.) - 14 (Thu.), 2010 |
場所 | 東北大学金属材料研究所 2号館1階 講堂 http://www.imr.tohoku.ac.jp/ja/about/location.html |
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内容 | Background and significance of this meeting is expected to create the Virtual Organization in Asia by utilization of SINET3 (next generation of the Science Information Network by NII) and to establish the Center for Asian Computational Materials Science in IMR. Purpose of establishment of the Center for Asian Computational Materials Science in IMR(Institute for Materials Research), Tohoku University:
1. Realize "Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science(ACCMS) - Virtual Organization" as advanced and expansive ACCMS.
2. Recognize IMR as an important center at international level through the use of a high-speed network. (Proactive approach to high-speed network between Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, etc. provided by NII to realize sophisticated international collaborative researches.)
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問い合わせ先 | vo2010_attmk_imr.edu (_attmk_ を@に変えてください) |