
The 10th International Workshop on Crystalline Silicon for Solar Cells (CSSC-10)

日時 2018年4月8日 - 11日
場所 東北大学 金属材料研究所 講堂(宮城県仙台市青葉区片平2-1-1)

CSSC provides an opportunity to exchange scientific information among worldwide specialists in science and technology on crystalline Si for solar cells by especially placing emphasis on fundamental material science.

Topics to be covered by the workshop will be
  • Fundamental materials science related to crystalline silicon solar cells
  • Silicon feedstock technologies
  • Crystallization of multicrystalline, quasi-mono, monocrystalline silicon
  • Advanced wire sawing and emerging kerfless technologies
  • Novel materials and processing for advanced cell architecture 
  • Advanced characterization
  • and more 

The 10th anniversary of CSSC will be celebrated in its birthplace, Sendai, Japan, and will be held from April 8th to April 11th, 2018. In addition to an inspiring scientific program, participants will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Japan with cherry blossoms in full bloom.

申し込み https://science-cloud.com/cssc/form.html
参加費 60,000円 (学生 30,000円)
問い合わせ先 E-mail : cssc_at_numse.nagoya-u.ac.jp("_at_" を@に変えてください)