ICC-IMR / 20th REIMEI International Workshop "Spin Mechanics 2"
日時 | 2014年6月21日(土)- 24日(火) |
場所 | 東北大学金属材料研究所 2号館1階 講堂 http://www.imr.tohoku.ac.jp/ja/about/location.html |
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内容 | According to Noether’s theorem rotational symmetry implies conservation of angular momentum. If in a condensed matter system the magnetization and therefore intrinsic (spin) angular momentum of the many-body electron wave function varies in time, it must be compensated by an equivalent change in the angular momentum of the embedding lattice. This coupling between spin and magnetization is the subject of the field of Spin Mechanics. A first workshop was organized in the beginning of this year at the Advanced Science Research Center of the JAEA. The very positive response to this try out from both participants and the community motivates us to organize a second workshop on a somewhat expanded scale, welcoming scientists from theory, computational material science, and experiments. |
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問い合わせ先 | Theory of Solid State Physics Division (IMR, Tohoku University) E-mail:spinmechanics2@imr.tohoku.ac.jp (全角@を半角@に変更してお送りください) TEL:022-215-2005 |