Research areas
IMR carries out research in 4 areas, viz. ” Energy-Related Materials”, “Electronic Materials”, “Infrastructural Materials” and ”Common Foundational Research”. 27 research groups contribute to these areas according to their respective strengths and interests.
Energy-Related Materials
Research on next generation
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energy technologies by materials science
and engineering. -
Infrastructural Materials
Research on materials development
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focussed on hardness, strength and lightness
for improved infrastructure. -
Electronic Materials
Research on advanced methods of controlling
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electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic
waves via new materials and devices. -
Common Foundational Research
Theoretical and computational research as well as development of new analytical tools
Relevant Divisions
for the sake of all research areas.

Energy-Related Materials
Electronic Materials
- MagnetismExploring Frontier of Magnetism in High Magnetic Fields
- Low Temperature PhysicsExploration for Low Temperature Physical Phenomena at Solid Interfaces
- Low Temperature Condensed State PhysicsEmergent Properties of Correlated π-electrons in Flexible Assembly of Organic Nanostructures
- Quantum Beam Materials PhysicsElucidate Origins of Novel Phenomena Through Probing Structure and Dynamics
- Quantum Functional Materials PhysicsSpins Make Materials Functional
- Solid-State Metal-Complex ChemistryDesign of Coordination Polymers Toward the On-Demand Control of Their Correlated Electrons/Spins and Chemical Reactions
- Magnetic MaterialsMaterials Fabrication for Spintronics by Artificial Nanostructure Control
- Crystal ChemistryLead New Growth Methods with Optimizing Interfacial Energies by Applying External Fields
- Advanced Crystal EngineeringNovel Functional Crystals and Advanced Sensors for Future
Infrastructural Materials
Common Foundational Research
- MagnetismExploring Frontier of Magnetism in High Magnetic Fields
- Low Temperature Condensed State PhysicsEmergent Properties of Correlated π-electrons in Flexible Assembly of Organic Nanostructures
- Quantum Beam Materials PhysicsElucidate Origins of Novel Phenomena Through Probing Structure and Dynamics
- Quantum Functional Materials PhysicsSpins Make Materials Functional
- Microstructure Design of Structural Metallic MaterialsAdvanced Microstructure Control for Developing New Structural Metallic Materials
- Materials Design by Computer SimulationSolution of Energy and Environmental Problems and Realization of Safe and Secure Society by Computer Simulation
- Irradiation Effects in Nuclear and Their Related MaterialsTowards Revealing Irradiation-Induced Defects and Controlling their Function
- Chemical Physics of Non-Crystalline MaterialsInorganic Materials with Complex Structures
- Actinide Materials ScienceHeavy Fermion Physics of Actinide and Rare- Earth Compounds
- Analytical ScienceDeveloping Novel Methods for Elemental Analysis