
  • All
  • Students
  • 2013

    Dec. 11th

    The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Synthesis and Processing Technology for Materials (ASPT2013) in conjunction with The 2th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics (ISAC-5), Best Oral Presentation For Young Scientist

    Multi-Functional Materials Science


    Nov. 29th

    Best Presentation Award by Student (Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy Autumn Meeting 2013)

    Multi-Functional Materials Science


    Nov. 16th

    Japan Institute for Copper, Best paper award

    Kansai Center for Industrial Materials Research

    Satoshi SEMBOSHI

    Analytical Science

    Mikio ISHIKUROShigeo SATO, Kazuaki WAGATSUMA and others

    Nov. 1st

    Journal of Nuclear Materials, reviewing award

    Nuclear Materials Engineering

    Hiroaki ABE

    Oct. 30th


    Multi-Functional Materials Science

    Takashi GOTO

    Oct. 9th

    The Hattori Hokokai Foundation, Hoko-sho Prize

    Advanced Crystal Engineering


    Sep. 26th

    15th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2013), Poster Award

    Analytical Science

    Kozue SATOH, Kazuaki WAGATSUMA, Shigeo SATO

    Sep. 17th

    The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Young Researcher Award (Engineering Materials)

    Biomaterials Science

    Junko HIEDA

    Sep. 17th

    The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials The Best Paper Award(Materials Processing)

    Biomaterials Science

    Mitsuo NIINOMI, and others

    Sep. 17th

    The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Murakami Young Researcher Award

    Advanced Analysis of Materials

    Kazuhisa SATO

    Jul. 23rd

    Special Prize, The 27th Award for High Technology Pioneering Originality

    Magnetic Materials

    Takayuki KOJIMA

    Jul. 5th

    The 53st Harada Young Scientist Award

    Surface and Interface Research

    Ken-ichi UCHIDA

    May. 31st

    The 34th Honda Memorial Young Researcher Award

    Crystal Chemistry


    May. 31st

    The 34th Honda Memorial Young Researcher Award

    Magnetic Materials

    Masaki MIZUGUCHI

    May. 25th

    The 32th Annual Conference of The Surface Science Society of JapanPresentation Award for Student

    Magnetic Materials

    Takayuki KOJIMA

    May. 20th

    12th Intelligent Cosmos Encouragement Prize

    Surface and Interface Research

    Ken-ichi UCHIDA

    May. 20th

    12th Intelligent Cosmos Encouragement Prize

    Surface and Interface Research

    Masaki MIZUGUCHI

    Apr. 16th

    The Young Scientists’ Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education

    Surface and Interface Research

    Ken-ichi UCHIDA

    Mar. 28th

    The Best Paper Award - Young Best Paper (The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials)

    Advanced Analysis of Materials

    Zeng-Jie WANG, Toyohiko J. KONNO

    Mar. 28th

    Honda Memorial Lecture (The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials)

    Biomaterials Science

    Mitsuo NIINOMI

    Mar. 28th

    The best poster presentation award (165th the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan)

    Nuclear Materials Engineering

    Shun ITOH, Tetsuya MATSUNAGA, Yuhki SATOH, Hiroaki ABE

    Mar. 18th

    Ceramographic Award of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2013

    Advanced Analysis of Materials

    Takanori KIGUCHI, Yoshihiro MISAKA, Tomohito TSUKAMOTO, Toyohiko J. KONNO

    Mar. 11th

    Tokin Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology 23th Research Encouragement Award, The Highest Award (Tokin Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology)

    Magnetic Materials


    Mar. 8th

    Poster Presentation Award (Excellent Graduate Schools 2012 Annual Meeting & Japan-Russia Workshop on Advanced Materials Synthesis Process and Nanostructure)

    Biomaterials Science

    Huihong LIU, Mitsuo NIINOMI, Masaaki NAKAI, Junko HIEDA, Ken CHO

    Jan. 30th

    JILM Rising Star Award (The Japan Institute of Light Metals)

    Biomaterials Science

    Kazuya KOMINE

  • 2013