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  • Students
  • 2011

    Dec. 15th

    Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Paper in Crystal Engineering Committee in JSAP

    Physics of Crystal Defects

    Kentaro KUTSTUKAKE

    Dec. 2nd

    Outstanding Oral Presentaiton For Young Scientists (International Symposium of Materials Integration In conjunction with The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Synthesis and Processing Technology for Materials (ASPT2011), KINKEN-WAKATE 2011)

    Multi-Functional Materials Science

    Yu YOU

    Dec. 2nd

    Outstanding Oral Presentaiton For Young Scientists (International Symposium of Materials Integration In conjunction with The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Synthesis and Processing Technology for Materials (ASPT2011), KINKEN-WAKATE 2011)

    Biomaterials Science


    Dec. 2nd

    Young Researcher Paper Award (21th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)

    Physics of Crystal Defects

    Kentaro KUTSTUKAKE

    Dec. 1st

    25th IBM Japan Science Awards

    Surface and Interface Research

    Eiji SAITOH

    Nov. 21st

    Academic Award (Japanese Society for Biomaterials)

    Biomaterials Science

    Mitsuo NIINOMI

    Nov. 15th

    31st Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Paper in JSAP

    Advanced Crystal Engineering

    Yutaka FUJIMOTO

    Nov. 14th

    Best Paper Award (Japan Copper and Brass Association): Journal of the JRICu

    Hydrogen Functional Materials

    Satoshi SEMBOSHI, Shin-ichi ORIMO

    Nov. 14th

    Best Paper Award (Japan Copper and Brass Association): Journal of the JRICu

    Advanced Research Center of Metallic Glasses

    Hisamichi KIMURA

    Nov. 12th

    The JILM 60th Memorial Distinguished Contribution Award (The Japan Institute of Light Metals)

    Biomaterials Science

    Mitsuo NIINOMI

    Nov. 11th

    Award for Encouragement of Research in Thin Films,The 15th International Conference on Thin Films(ICTF-15)

    Kansai Center for Industrial Materials Research

    Mistutaka SATO

    Nov. 8th

    Best Paper Award (The Japan Institute of Metals)

    Biomaterials Science

    Mitsuo NIINOMI

    Nov. 8th

    Best Paper Award (The Japan Institute of Metals)

    Biomaterials Science

    Kengo NARITA, Mitsuo NIINOMI, Masaaki NAKAI

    Nov. 8th

    17th JIM Best Poster Award

    Deformation Processing

    Shou SUZUKI

    Nov. 8th

    17th JIM Best Poster Award

    Magnetic Materials

    Shun SHIBATA

    Nov. 8th

    17th JIM Best Poster Award

    Crystal Chemistry

    Kensaku MAEDA

    Nov. 3rd

    28th Japanese Association for Crystal Growth Award for Distinguished Paper

    Crystal Chemistry


    Nov. 3rd

    9th Japanese Association for Crystal Growth Encouragement Award

    Crystal Chemistry

    Haruhiko KOIZUMI

    Oct. 31st

    The Tohoku University’s Professor Fujino Award (Lu Xun Award) (Tohoku University)

    Biomaterials Science

    Xiaoli ZHAO

    Oct. 17th

    Fellow Of The Society (The American Ceramic Society)

    Multi-Functional Materials Science

    Takashi GOTO

    Sep. 28th

    MSJ 2011 Distinguished Publication Award

    Magnetic Materials


    Sep. 20th

    Excellent Poster Award (The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan)

    Biomaterials Science

    Yuya NAGASAWA, Mitsuo NIINOMI, Masaaki NAKAI, Junko HIEDA

    Aug. 2nd

    Best Poster Award (The 23rd Summer School on Ionizing Radiation)

    Advanced Crystal Engineering

    Shunsuke KUROSAWA

    Aug. 2nd

    Excellent Poster Award (The 23rd Summer School on Ionizing Radiation)

    Advanced Crystal Engineering

    Makoto SUGIYAMA

    Jul. 1st

    The 51st Harada Young Scientist Award (The Honda Memorial Foundation)

    Deformation Processing

    Hiroaki MATSUMOTO

    Jul. 1st
    Jun. 2nd

    Tokin Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology 21th Research Encouragement Award

    Multi-Functional Materials Science

    Akihiko ITO

    May. 28th

    Funai Prize for Science

    Surface and Interface Research

    Eiji SAITOH

    May. 28th

    Young Investigator Award (International Dental Materials Congress 2011)

    Biomaterials Science

    Masaaki NAKAI

    May. 23rd

    Honma Award

    Technical Services Division

    Tetsuo HONGO

    May. 16th

    Intelligent Cosmos Encouragement prize

    Surface and Interface Research

    Kazuya ANDO

    Mar. 25th

    ISIJ Young Researcher Award

    Microstructure Design of Structural Metallic Materials


    Mar. 25th

    The Japan Institute of Metals Masumoto Hakaru Award

    Magnetic Materials


    Mar. 25th

    The Japan Institute of Metals Meritorious Award

    Hydrogen Functional Materials

    Shin-ichi ORIMO

    Mar. 7th

    Konica Minolta Imaging Science Award

    Advanced Analysis of Materials

    Takanori KIGUCHI

    Mar. 3rd

    The 7th JSPS Prize

    Surface and Interface Research

    Eiji SAITOH

    Mar. 3rd

    Japan Academy Medal Prize

    Surface and Interface Research

    Eiji SAITOH

    Feb. 1st

    JSPS Ikushi Prize

    Surface and Interface Research

    Ken-ichi UCHIDA

  • 2011