2024.12.26 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Onose Lab
This Multiferroic Can Take the Heat - up to 160℃
2024.12.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Miyasaka Lab
Ultrafast Luminescence Detection with Selective Adsorption of Carbon Disulfide in a Gold(I) Metal−Organic Framework
2024.12.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT HFLSM
Inter- and intra-sublattice spin mixing conductance of antiferromagnetic spin pumping effect in α-Fe₂O₃/Pt
2024.12.17 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Kato Lab Ichitubo Lab
Structural and Dynamical Changes in a Gd-Co Metallic Glass by Cryogenic Rejuvenation
2024.12.04 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Kumagai Lab
Universal Polaronic Behavior in Elemental Doping of MoS₂ from First-Principles
2024.11.26 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Yamanaka Lab
How to Print a Car: High-performance Multi-material 3D Printing Techniques
2024.11.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Fujita Lab
Wavelength dependence of linear birefringence and linear dichroism of Bi₂₋ₓPbₓSr₂CaCu₂O₈₊δ single crystals
2024.11.08 プレスリリース・研究成果 先端エネルギー材料理工共創研究センター E-IMR
A Pathway Towards New Quantum Devices: Electrically Defined Quantum Dots in Zinc Oxide
2024.10.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Nomura Lab
Variational Benchmarks for Quantum Many-Body Problems
2024.10.17 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Yoshikawa Lab
Establishment of Tohoku University Startup: FOX Corporation for Cost-Effective Mass Production of Next-Generation Gallium Oxide (β- Ga₂O₃) Wafers
2024.09.24 プレスリリース・研究成果 基礎科学 Aoki Lab
Piezomagnetism in the Ising ferromagnet URhGe
2024.09.13 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Nojiri Lab
Evidence for large thermodynamic signatures of in-gap fermionic quasiparticle states in a Kondo insulator
2024.07.08 プレスリリース・研究成果 Exploratory Research Lab Fujita Lab
Hexagonal Perovskite Oxides: Electrolytes for Next-Generation Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells
2024.07.03 プレスリリース・研究成果 Yoshikawa Lab
Scintillation of polyester fabric and clothing via proton irradiation and its utilization in surface imaging of proton pencil beams
2024.06.03 プレスリリース・研究成果 Kumagai Lab
Photoinduced dynamics during electronic transfer from narrow to wide bandgap layers in one-dimensional heterostructured materials
2024.05.27 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Aoki Lab
Large transverse thermoelectric effect induced by the mixed-dimensionality of Fermi surfaces
2024.05.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Fujita Lab
Nonmagnetic Ground State in RuO₂ Revealed by Muon Spin Rotation
2024.05.16 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Ichitubo Lab
Tin Toughens Bioimplant Titanium Alloys through the Cocktail Effect
2024.05.01 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Nojiri Lab
Magnetic structure and magnetoelectric properties of the spin-flop phase in LiFePO₄
2024.04.26 プレスリリース・研究成果 Exploratory Research Lab
Antiferromagnetic ordering and chiral crystal structure transformation in Nd₃Rh₄Sn₁₃
2024.04.25 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Sugiyama Lab
Towards Novel Promising Perovskite-Type Ferroelectric Materials
2024.04.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 Alpha Lab
Laser spectroscopy of triply charged ²²⁹Th isomer for a nuclear clock
2024.04.09 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Exploratory Research Lab
Unlocking Spin Current Secrets: A New Milestone in Spintronics
2024.04.01 プレスリリース・研究成果 Kumagai Lab
Band Alignment of Oxides by Learnable Structural-Descriptor-Aided Neural Network and Transfer Learning
2024.03.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Ichitubo Lab
Unleashing Disordered Rocksalt Oxides as Cathodes for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries
2024.03.13 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Kato Lab
Mechanically Robust Self-Organized Crack-Free Nanocellular Graphene with Outstanding Electrochemical Properties in Sodium Ion Battery
2024.03.08 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Onose Lab
Downscaling Storage Devices: Magnetic Memory Based on the Chirality of Spiral Magnets
2024.03.05 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Fujita Lab
Nanoscale dynamics of hydrogen in VO₂ studied by μSR
2024.02.05 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Exploratory Research Lab
”SWCC x Tohoku University Co-Creation Research Center for High Functional Metals” was established
2024.01.31 プレスリリース・研究成果 Orimo Lab
Machine learning accelerates the chase for safer, better batteries
2024.01.09 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research Tsukazaki Lab
Potential Use of Topological Magnets for Magneto-thermoelectric Energy Conversion
2024.01.09 プレスリリース・研究成果 Exploratory Research Lab
Thermal multiferroics in all-inorganic quasi-two-dimensional halide perovskites