
  • All
  • Students
  • 2006

    Dec. 12th

    Membership of the Japan Academy

    Research and Development Project

    Akihisa INOUE

    Nov. 22nd

    Grant-in-aid, Seki Memorial Foundation for Science

    Orimo Lab.


    Nov. 14th

    Honorary Membership of the Indian Institute of Metals

    Research and Development Project

    Akihisa INOUE

    Nov. 10th

    The JSHPST Award for Technical Achievements

    Technical Services Division

    Kiyoto FUKUOKA

    Oct. 30th

    Technical Award, The Japan Titanium Society

    Furuhara Lab.

    Tadashi FURUHARA

    Oct. 13th

    Best Presentaion Award, 2006 Tohoku Hokkaido Branch Meeting, The Ceramic Society of Japan

    Goto Lab.

    Akihiro HONDA

    Sep. 30th

    Marubun Scientific Award

    Kawasaki Lab.

    Masashi KAWASAKI

    Sep. 29th

    Chime Bells Award, Hubei province, China

    Goto Lab.

    Takashi GOTO

    Sep. 25th

    President’s Special Award

    Non-Equilibrium Materials

    Akihisa INOUE

    Sep. 21st

    The medal of merit of The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

    Technical Services Division

    Katsurou IRIMAGAWA

    Sep. 21st

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Award for Technical Achievements,2006

    Technical Services Division

    Kunio TAKADA

    Sep. 17th

    7th JIM Best Poster Award

    Technical Services Division

    Takamasa SUGAWARA

    Advanced Research Center of Metallic Glasses 

    Toetsu SHISHIDO

    Sep. 16th

    29th JIM Technical Development Award

    Non-Equilibrium Materials

    Akihisa INOUE

    Kansai Center for Industrial Materials Research

    Yasunori SAOTOME

    Aug. 28th

    Best Poster Award: 3rd Materials Science School for Young Scientists

    Sakurai Lab.

    Yukiko TAKAMURA

    Aug. 17th


    Materials Design by Computer Simulation

    Yoshiyuki KAWAZOE

    Jul. 10th

    46th Harada Young Scientist Award

    Crystal Physics


    Jul. 10th

    46th Harada Young Scientist Award

    Materials Design by Computer Simulation

    Ryoji SAHARA

    Jul. 10th

    46th Harada Young Scientist Award

    Sakurai Lab.

    Yukiko TAKAMURA

    Jun. 29th

    2006 Encourage Prize, Functionally Graded Material Forum of Japan

    Goto Lab

    Mitsutaka SATO

    Jun. 15th

    High Magnetic Field Forum of Japan: 2nd Miura Award for Young Researcher


    Yasuhiro H. MATSUDA

    Jun. 15th

    High Magnetic Field Forum of Japan: 2nd Miura Award for Young Researcher

    Low Temperature Physics

    Kazutaka KUDO

    Jun. 2nd

    The Prime Minister Prize

    Non-Equilibrium Materials

    Akihisa INOUE

    May. 22nd

    Best Paper Prize, Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    Goto Lab

    Takashi GOTO, Teiichi KIMURA, Ryan BANAL

    May. 22nd

    Technique Prize from the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    Technical Services Division

    Kimio WAKOH

    May. 22nd

    Honma Award

    Technical Services Division

    Kenichiro SASAMORI

    May. 20th

    Kobayashi Prize of Japan Foundry Engineering Society

    Biomaterials Science

    Toshikazu AKAHORI, Mitsuo NIINOMI

    Apr. 25th

    Top Papers of 2005 in Journal of Physics

    Physics of Crystal Defects

    Ichiro YONENAGA

    Apr. 17th

    The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award (Originality and Ingenuity Award)

    Technical Services Division

    Akira OKUBO

    Apr. 15th

    Papers of Editors Choice of The Physical Society of Japan

    Laboratory of Low Temperature Materials Science

    Shintaro NAKAMURA

    Mar. 22nd

    The 19th Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Paper in JSAP

    Crystal Physics

    Yoshitaro NOSE

    Mar. 22nd

    The 19th Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Paper in JSAP

    Low Temperature Condensed State Physics

    Taishi TAKENOBU

    Mar. 22nd

    Best Poster Award, 2005 spring meeting, The Japan Institute of Metals

    Orimo Lab.

    Yuko NAKAMORI, Shin-ichi ORIMO

    Mar. 21st

    JIM Technical Skill Award

    Technical Services Division

    Nobuyuki HARIMA

    Mar. 13th

    Tokin Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology: Encouragement Award

    Takanashi Lab.


    Feb. 27th

    Award for the outstanding paper in Journal of The Surface Finishing Society 2006

    Shikama Lab.

    Shinji NAGATA

    Feb. 3rd

    22th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists

    Kawasaki Lab.

    Atsushi TSUKAZAKI

  • 2006