
15th Materials Science School for Young Scientists (KINKEN WAKATE 2018) & Symposium of 30th Anniversary of Nano Crystalline Soft Magnetic Alloys(8/29-31)

Time Aug. 29 (Wed) - 31 (Fri), 2018
Location Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ.

At the 15th Materials Science School for Young Scientists (KINKEN WAKATE 2018), we will have tutorial seminar given by well-known scientists and provide an opportunity to learn fundamentals of Nano Crystalline Soft Magnetic Materials. We are also planning to have short oral presentation and poster sessions from young researchers and talk session with the lecturers.

And the year 2018 is the 30th anniversary of the first paper that reports nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys by Yoshizawa et. al., The alloy known as “FINEMET” is the first one memorized with the word of “Nano” in the metallurgy, and has affected to the following “nano-technology”. The aim of the Symposium of 30th Anniversary of Nano Crystalline Soft Magnetic Alloys is to learn "How those new ideas came out?" from the inventors of FINEMET, NANOPERM, and Nanogranular soft magnetic materials, brings new idea or strategy for making something "New" to the young researcher.
Entry Due of the presentation registration is July 15. Listeners are admission free.
Registration Fee
Registration Deadline Jul. 15 (Sun), 2018
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