We succeeded in generating of a high magnetic field up to 18.1T by the cryogen-free superconducting magnet by the collaboration with Toshiba Co. Ltd.. Since we have demonstrated the world’s first 4T cryogen-free superconducting magnet in 1992, the 15 T cryogen-free superconducting magnet was successfully developed by our group. This time, we improved greatly the generating magnetic field up to 18.1 T by the newly developed cryogen-free superconducting magnet, which consists of a high-Tc oxide-superconducting insert coil using Bi2223 tapes. Since a high- Tc oxide superconductor was discovered, nineteen years have passed. However, there was not yet practical high field power application using high- Tc superconductors so far. The cryogen-free superconducting magnets have many advantages of cost, safety, convenience, and multipurpose, in comparison with the conventional superconducting magnet operated in liquid helium bath. It is expected that the high magnetic fields up to 20 T will be easily available for wide research area through this accomplishment near future. This work appeared in a newspaper of the Nikkei-Kogyo and will be presented at Japan Cryogenic meeting, which will be held at the Toki-messe, Niigata on November 21, 2005.

図 Cryogen-free 18.1T superconducting magnet