Department of Computational Materials Science (Kawazoe group) has predicted that the halfside-hydrogen terminated graphese (called graphone) is a two-dimensional ferromagnet having 0.5 Bohr magneton for each carbon atom by ab initio computer simulation as an international collaboration work with Prof. Q. Sun with Beijing University and Prof. Q. Wang and Prof. P. Jene with Virginia Commonwealth University. Althouhg there have been many researches conducted on magnetic properties in graphene, previous studies employed edges or defects in graphene and they have difficulty to realize uniform macroscopic ferromagnetism. According to the present prediction, it is possible to realize uniform ferromagnet in wide area and could be used as really useful magnetic matarial. The paper was published in Nano Letters on 31st August, 2009 from American Chemical Society, and reported by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on 29th September.
Fig.:Electronic charge density distribution in halfside-hydgenated graphene.
Uniform and stable two-dimensional macroscopic ferromagnet is realized.
Prof. Kawazoe's group(Materials Design by Computer Simulation)