Synthesis technique of aluminum hydride, as a high-density hydrogen storage material, was developed, under the collaboration with The Japan Steel Works, LTD.. Our group, together with Prof. C.M. Jensen group at Hawaii Univ., has succeeded in the synthesis and clarified fundamental hydrogen properties of typical three type aluminum hydrides . Based on the international collaboration, The Japan Steel Works has industrially developed the synthesis process of aluminum hydride (material-supply for users is planned). Compared hydrogen desorption tests of aluminum hydride and commercialized hydrogen storage materials on a portable fuel cell device, aluminum hydride could achieve approximately two times higher performance with a half weight than the commercialized ones. The results were reported in Kagaku-Kougyo Nippou, Tekkou Simbun (July 23, 2007), Nikkei-Sangyo Shimbun (July 24, 2007), and Nikkan-Kougyo Shimbun (July 30, 2007).

Aluminum hydride, as a high-density hydrogen storage material