Service Divisions

Counseling Office for Student, Faculty and Staff


Head : Prof.Rie UMETSU

  • Prof. Eiji AKIYAMA
  • Prof. Tadashi FURUHARA
  • Prof. Momoji KUBO
  • Prof. Hidemi KATO
  • Prof. Kozo FUJIWARA
  • Assoc. Prof.Toyoto SATO
  • Assoc. Prof. Yoichi NII
  • Assist. Prof. Saya AJITO
  • Assist. Prof. Shiori SUGIURA
  • Assist. Prof. Yongjie ZHANG
  • Technical Staff Yoshihiro MURAKAMI
  • Technical Staff Kazuyo OMURA
  • Manager Hideki SATO
  • Manager Hidetoshi SATO
  • Chief Wataru SASAKI
  • Chief Emiko OYAMA
  • ChiefKohichi SATAKE
  • Chief Akemi TANAKA
  • Barrister and SolicitorHirotaka HONDA


The counseling office provides counseling services to support and help you with any problems in your daily study and research life in KINKEN. When something is bothering you, talking about it is the first step toward a solution. The office members will help you to deal with the problems and guide you to appropriate further action if necessary. We welcome all students, faculty and staff members who study and work in KINKEN. All counseling will be confidential.


Office members (web meeting)


Counsultation room

About IMR