The Analytical Research Core for Advanced Materials (ARCAM) gives elemental composition data, and supports TEM analysis of metal and inorganic materials. We also develop analytical procedures in order to obtain reliable analytical data. The ARCAM assays major and trace elements in consigned samples by using the following methods: ICP-AES, ICP-MS, flame and graphite furnace AAS, microwave induced plasma AES, CS/ON/H analysis, XRF, ion chromatography, and conventional chemical analyses including gravimetric analysis, titrimetric analysis and spectrophotometry. Additionally, we provide TEM analysis services (which enable evaluation of microstructures, crystal structures and chemical compositions in nano-/meso- scale) on structural and functional materials and microdevices.
Service Divisions
Analytical Research Core for Advanced Materials

Head : Prof.Eiji AKIYAMA
- Res.Assoc Kenichi Nakayama
- Res.Assoc Makoto NAGASAKO
Chemical and TEM Characterizations for Advanced Materials
chemical characterization, consignment elemental analysis, TEM characterization, TEM specimen preparation

ICP-AES instrument.
Elemental maps of precipitates in alloy by TEM.