
Professional development Consortium for Computational Materials Scientists (PCoMS)

Momoji KUBO

Project Leader : Prof.Momoji KUBO

  • Specially Appointed Assoc. Prof. Yayoi TERADA

Supporting Young Researchers challenging interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields of Computational Materials Science

The consortium encourages young researchers in computational materials science to acquire the cuttingedge skills of high-performance computing and broad view of interdisciplinary fields of materials science, condensed matter physics, molecular science and materials design and supports their career paths.

In August 2015, Tohoku University, The University of Tokyo, Institute for Molecular Science and Osaka University established partnerships under a MEXT program, building a consortium for developing human resources in science and technology. The subsidy period of MEXT program ended in March 2023, however we keep to support the highly motivated young researchers in computational materials science who lead the future global academic community with pioneering innovation on diverse academic and industrial fields.

multiscale materials science, computer simulations, high-performance computing

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