Materials Property Division

Magnetism Research Laboratory

Hiroyuki  NOJIRI

Prof.Hiroyuki NOJIRI

  • Assist. Prof. Mitsuru AKAKI
  • Assist. Prof. Chanhyeon LEE

Exploring Frontier of Magnetism in High Magnetic Fields

A magnetic field is a unique external environment because of the precise controllability in the intensity, time structure, and hysteresis. Novel magnetic states and exotic electronic phases are induced by high magnetic fields. The main subject of our group is to investigate basic principles to control condensed matters including strongly correlated electron systems, topological and quantum matters by using strong pulsed and steady magnetic fields.

The original and unique advanced spectroscopic tools such as THz-ESR, high magnetic field X-ray spectrometer, high magnetic field neutron diffraction and ultra-high magnetic field diffraction with X-ray free electron laser have been developed and used. Our terahertz ESR system: TESLA-ESR and the ultra-low temperature magnetization system attract many users from foreign countries.

We keep the world records of the highest field X-ray spectroscopy and the neutron scattering. Moreover, those devices are operational in several major oversea institutes under international collaborations.

high magnetic field, quantum beam science, strongly correlated electron system, molecular-based magnet
A split-pair magnet used for for X-ray diffraction with X-ray free electron laser

A split-pair magnet used for X-ray diffraction with X-ray free electron laser. In the extremely compact volume of about 15 cm³, ultra strong magnetic fields over 40 T can be generated. We have succeeded in the observation of very weak signal caused by the charge density wave in high Tc superconductor.

The 40 T X-ray magnetic-circular-dichroism spectrometer developed and installed at BL25SU of SPring8 by the collaboration with JASRI

The 40 T X-ray magnetic-circular-dichroism spectrometer developed and installed at BL25SU of SPring8 by the collaboration with JASRI. The powerful tool to investigate the element specific magnetization in extremely high magnetic fields.

About IMR