The International Collaboration Center of the Institute for Materials Research (ICC-IMR) promotes international collaboration in materials science. Its activities are coordinated with the National Joint Usage / Research Center System conducted by the research divisions and centers of the IMR. The ICC-IMR aims at creating a worldwide community of materials science researchers and contributing to educating young researchers in becoming world-leaders in their fields. The ICC-IMR is a gateway to facilitate diverse collaborations between international researchers and the scientific staff of the IMR.
The ICC-IMR coordinates six different programs: 1) International Integrated Project Research, 2) Visiting Professorships, 3)International Workshops, 4) Fellowships for Young Researchers, 5) Coordination of International Collaborative Projects, and 6) Materials Transfer Program. By these activities the ICC-IMR stimulates a broad spectrum of international collaborations that often result in formal exchange agreements with overseas institutions. Additionally, the ICC-IMR supports the Kinken-Wakate School, an annually held International Summer School for materials science, addressing Ph.D. students and postdocs.
We welcome applications for funding all activities from international researchers (after consultation with IMR staff). After thorough peer-review the ICC-IMR Steering Committee ranks the proposals and makes funding decisions four times per year.