2025.01.27 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Onose Lab
Band asymmetry-driven nonreciprocal electronic transport in a helimagnetic semimetal α-EuP₃
2024.12.26 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Onose Lab
This Multiferroic Can Take the Heat - up to 160℃
2024.12.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Miyasaka Lab
Ultrafast Luminescence Detection with Selective Adsorption of Carbon Disulfide in a Gold(I) Metal−Organic Framework
2024.12.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT HFLSM
Inter- and intra-sublattice spin mixing conductance of antiferromagnetic spin pumping effect in α-Fe₂O₃/Pt
2024.12.17 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Kato Lab Ichitubo Lab
Structural and Dynamical Changes in a Gd-Co Metallic Glass by Cryogenic Rejuvenation
2024.12.04 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Kumagai Lab
Universal Polaronic Behavior in Elemental Doping of MoS₂ from First-Principles
2024.11.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Fujita Lab
Wavelength dependence of linear birefringence and linear dichroism of Bi₂₋ₓPbₓSr₂CaCu₂O₈₊δ single crystals
2024.09.13 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Nojiri Lab
Evidence for large thermodynamic signatures of in-gap fermionic quasiparticle states in a Kondo insulator
2024.05.27 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Aoki Lab
Large transverse thermoelectric effect induced by the mixed-dimensionality of Fermi surfaces
2024.05.16 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Ichitubo Lab
Tin Toughens Bioimplant Titanium Alloys through the Cocktail Effect
2024.05.01 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Nojiri Lab
Magnetic structure and magnetoelectric properties of the spin-flop phase in LiFePO₄
2024.04.25 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Sugiyama Lab
Towards Novel Promising Perovskite-Type Ferroelectric Materials
2023.12.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Nagai Lab
Multicrystalline informatics applied to multicrystalline silicon for unraveling the microscopic root cause of dislocation generation
2023.12.05 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Miyasaka Lab
CO₂-sensitive Porous Magnet: Antiferromagnet Creation from a Paramagnetic Charge-Transfer Layered Metal-Organic Framework
2023.12.01 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Nagai Lab
High thermal stability and low thermal resistance of large area GaN/3C-SiC/diamond junctions for practical device processes
2023.11.30 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Aoki Lab
Longitudinal spin fluctuations driving field-reinforced superconductivity in UTe₂
2023.11.27 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Akiyama Lab
Filming the Microscopic Flow of Hydrogen Atoms in a Metal
2023.11.20 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Miyasaka Lab
Densely Packed CO₂ Aids Charge, Spin, and Lattice Ordering Partially Fluctuated in a Porous Metal-Organic Framework Magnet
2023.03.17 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Nojiri Lab
Electrical detection of antiferromagnetic dynamics in Gd-Co thin films using 154-GHz gyrotron irradiation
2023.02.10 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Fujita Lab Nojiri Lab
Enhanced charge density wave with mobile superconducting vortices in La₁.₈₈₅Sr₀.₁₁₅CuO₄
2023.01.27 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research GIMRT Miyasaka Lab
Inter-Layer Magnetic Tuning by Gas Adsorption in p-Stacked Pillared-Layer Framework Magnets
2019.09.03 プレスリリース・研究成果 GIMRT Featured-research Featured Research Kato Lab
[GIMRT supported research] Partial structure investigation of the traditional bulk metallic glass Pd₄₀Ni₄₀P₂₀