2023.04.21 プレスリリース・研究成果 CCMS
Spontaneous topological Hall effect induced by non-coplanar antiferromagnetic order in intercalated van der Waals materials
2021.02.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 CCMS
Benchmark for Ab Initio Prediction of Magnetic Structures Based on Cluster-Multipole Theory
2019.11.18 プレスリリース・研究成果 Featured-research Featured Research CCMS
Triboemission of hydrocarbon molecules from diamond-like carbon friction interface induces atomic-scale wear
2019.09.24 プレスリリース・研究成果 CCMS
Spin current generation in organic antiferromagnets
2012.03.26 プレスリリース・研究成果 CCMS
The supercomputing system at IMR, Tohoku University starts to serve "a solution for researchers on materials design to realize sustainable world by computer simulation"