
First realization of p-type ZnO and light emitting pn diode


ZnO has been known as one of the best semiconductors for highly efficient ultra-violet diode lasers due to its large exciton binding energy, since room temperature lasing was demonstrated by the same group 8 years ago. Intensive research has been carried out in the world since then but the key for p-type ZnO is turned out to be just making crystal thin film as defect-free as possible. However, cutting-edge technologies such as combinatorial, laser-heating, and laser-MBE have open up the way. The work has been done in collaboration with Tsukuba-U, RIKEN, Shizuoka-U, RIEC-Tohoku-U, Tokyo Tech., and NIMS, was published in Web site of Nature Materials on Dec. 19, and introduced by such press sources as NHK, Asahi, Nikkei-Sangyo, Nikkan-Kogyo, and Kahoku-Shimpo.
Prof. Kawasaki’s group(Superstructured thin film chemistry)