
Mystery in Fullerene Superconductor with Tc = 38 K


  Division of Low Temperature Condensed State Physics, in collaboration with Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Durham, Joseph Stephan Inst., RIKEN, and AIST, clarified mysteries in physical properties of Cs3C60, which displays the highest superconducting critical temperature at 38 K amoung molecular materials. This compound was first suggested to superconduct at high temperature about 15 years ago by Prof. Iwasa’ group at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and very recently, British group succeeded in synthesis of high quality samples, and confirmed Bell Labs’ claim. This research uncovered the nature of strong electron correlation in fullerene systems, by determining the temperature-pressure phase diagram of Cs3C60. This result was published in Science on March 20, 2009, and reported in news papers(Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, on March 23, 2009, and Kagaku Shimbun, on April 3, 2009).

Figure: This research uncovered the nature of strong electron correlation in fullerene systems, by determining the temperature-pressure phase diagram of Cs3C60.

Figure: This research uncovered the nature of strong electron correlation in fullerene systems, by determining the temperature-pressure phase diagram of Cs3C60.

Prof. Iwasa’s group (Low Temperature Condensed State Physics)