Group photo of this symposium (Front row, 6th from right, Dr. Joonyeon Chang (KIST Post-silicon Semiconductor Institute, Director-General), and 5th from right, Dr. Sasaki (Deputy Director of IMR)
“KIST- Tohoku University Joint Symposium” was held at KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) campus in Seoul on 21 November 2017.
Tohoku University has a long history of academic exchange with KIST. Last year as a commemoration of concluding university-level academic exchange agreement between us, Institute for Materials Research (IMR) and KIST jointly held a seminar in Sendai, and that led to this symposium in Seoul.
This time researchers of IMR and Graduate School of Medicine joined this symposium.
Two sessions of "Advanced materials and devices" and " Biomolecular signatures in health care" were held in parallel.

Introduction of IMR by Deputy Director Dr. Sasaki
Dr. Sasaki, Deputy Director of IMR, and 7 people joined this symposium from IMR. Starting from Dr. Sasaki’s presentation about introduction of IMR, wide range of research topics such as spintronics, crystal growth and nanoporous metal were presented.
From KIST side, broad range of topics such as spintronics, organic semiconductor and quantum computer were given. Vigorous discussions were exchanged throughout the symposium.
The next day (on 22 November) lab tours and group discussions were carried out.
We will deepen an academic relationship with KIST continuously through holding symposium alternately from next year.
Surface and Interface Research (Saitoh lab), Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Tel: 022-217-6238